AEPA takes pride in offering quality products and services from well-known vendor partners.
AEPA has numerous vendors recommended for award through a competitive bidding process.
Our Vendors
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Please note that each Member State determines which vendor contracts are signed to best serve eligible clients within their state. All AEPA awarded vendors are listed below, so be sure to check with your local state agency for a list of available contracts.
KYOCERA Document Solutions, Inc.
Contact: Joe Dolce
Work Phone: 973-882-6085
Work Email:
Website: Kyocera Document Solutions
Kyocera offers an award winning line of copier and multi-functional print devices through the AEPA contract. By using this program, excellent discounts can be achieved while at the same time eliminating the need for competitive bidding. This approach saves time, money and important resources.
Bid recommended for approval in December 2020. Contract and extensions possible through March 2025.