AEPA has numerous vendors recommended for award through a competitive bidding process.

AEPA takes pride in offering quality products and services from well-known vendor partners.

Our Vendors
AEPA Coop Vendor - CDWG
AEPA Coop Vendor - Daktronics
AEPA Coop Vendor - Field Turf
AEPA Coop Vendor - Midwest Technology Products
AEPA Coop Vendor - School Specialty Furniture
AEPA Coop Vendor - Shaw Sports Turf
AEPA Coop Vendor - Sportime
AEPA Coop Vendor - Weatherproofing Technologies
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Please note that each Member State determines which vendor contracts are signed to best serve eligible clients within their state. All AEPA awarded vendors are listed below, so be sure to check with your local state agency for a list of available contracts.

Mackin Educational Resources

Contact: Mesa Heise
Work Phone: (800) 245-9540  Website:


Founded almost 40 years ago, Mackin is a proud Minnesota-based, woman-owned company that provides the highest quality resources for our classroom and library customers. Featuring the largest PK-12 collection of age-appropriate titles, Mackin offers a vast selection of over 3.5 million print titles and nearly 3 million digital titles from over 18,000 different publishers at We also provide free collection analysis and development services, free processing and cataloging options, and superior customer service.

Digital resources have become an integral component in education, and our free, school-centric digital resource management system, MackinVIATM, is equipped to meet your schools’ digital goals. With just one login, users can view, utilize, and manage all their digital materials in one location. The system provides easy, convenient access to all your eBooks and audiobooks. MackinVIA is a free resource to all Mackin customers and allows simultaneous, unlimited access to multiple users and is mobile-friendly.

Mackin currently serves over 70,000 PK-12 schools, public libraries, and educational consortia around the world. Our employees are dedicated to serving as your partner in education.



BID 2024

Bid recommended for approval in December 2023.  Contract and extensions possible through March 2028.


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