AEPA has numerous vendors recommended for award through a competitive bidding process.

AEPA takes pride in offering quality products and services from well-known vendor partners.

Our Vendors
AEPA Coop Vendor - CDWG
AEPA Coop Vendor - Daktronics
AEPA Coop Vendor - Field Turf
AEPA Coop Vendor - Midwest Technology Products
AEPA Coop Vendor - School Specialty Furniture
AEPA Coop Vendor - Shaw Sports Turf
AEPA Coop Vendor - Sportime
AEPA Coop Vendor - Weatherproofing Technologies
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Please note that each Member State determines which vendor contracts are signed to best serve eligible clients within their state. All AEPA awarded vendors are listed below, so be sure to check with your local state agency for a list of available contracts.

Audio Enhancement

Contact: Tanner Anderson
Work Phone: 800-383-9362 Website:


Audio Enhancement provides customizable solutions to support learning inside and outside the classroom. These solutions include classroom audio, cameras, safety alerts, and schoolwide communication. Classroom audio provides a teacher microphone, distributing the teacher’s voice to all students. The microphone includes alert buttons for emergencies, quickly notifying office staff of urgent situations. Classroom cameras provide teachers a way to record or livestream lessons for remote and blended learning models. Videos can be uploaded to an LMS or downloaded and delivered to students. Intercom, paging, and bells systems are fully customizable, giving schools freedom to update and adjust as needed.



BID 2024
Bid recommended for approval in December 2023. Contract and extensions possible through March 2028.

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