Planning for the Worst: What to Know About Catastrophe Preparedness

Reading Time: 3 minutes The worst thing about catastrophes is their unpredictability; it can be impossible to determine when or where a natural disaster might strike. However, school districts can prepare for the worst by establishing protocols and referring to past events to determine how to deal with future disasters. For instance, New Orleans-based Tulane University has an entire office dedicated…

How to Cope with the Effects of Inflation and the Great Supply Chain Disruption

Reading Time: 4 minutes By Ted Witt, AEPA Board Member If your school district ordered a set of Chromebook computers and was told to wait in line, or if your purchasing agent noticed a ream of copy paper costing upwards of $43, then you have experienced first-hand the inflation and supply chain disruption affecting global trade. The chaos known…

Upgrading a School HVAC System: Benefits and Considerations

Reading Time: 4 minutes By Thomas Kim, AEPA Oversight Committee Chair School heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems have moved from a behind-the-scenes role to a front-of-house star now that students have returned to in-person learning. Accordingly, many school leaders and maintenance personnel have begun to wonder whether their HVAC systems are up to the challenge of keeping spaces…