How to Comply With the Children’s Internet Protection Act

Reading Time: 3 minutes Ever since the dot-com bubble in the late 1990s, people across the globe have gained access to seemingly endless amounts of information. Cell phones, apps, and other convenient technologies exploded in popularity, increasing the risk of underage students accessing harmful material. As a result, Congress passed the Children’s Internet Protection Act in 2000 to block students from…

Thinking About Purchasing 1-to-1 Devices for Your K-12 School? Keep These Tips in Mind

Reading Time: 4 minutes Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, K-12 schools were experimenting with purchasing and allocating 1-to-1 devices across their student populations. Districts used the devices as an attractive differentiator for students and parents seeking to improve academic performance. However, as remote learning took hold during the spring of 2020 and beyond, countless other schools followed suit. The…

How to Cope with the Effects of Inflation and the Great Supply Chain Disruption

Reading Time: 4 minutes By Ted Witt, AEPA Board Member If your school district ordered a set of Chromebook computers and was told to wait in line, or if your purchasing agent noticed a ream of copy paper costing upwards of $43, then you have experienced first-hand the inflation and supply chain disruption affecting global trade. The chaos known…