Multi-State Volume Purchasing

AEPA serves public agency members through a continuous effort to explore and solve present and future purchasing needs. State members work to secure multi-state volume purchasing contracts with benefits that are measureable, cost-effective and continuously exceed our state member’s expectations.

We are pleased to offer significant savings on everything it takes to run a school or office.

The contract categories listed below offer the best prices on quality products and services based on the needs of 25 million students across the nation.

Purchasing Categories - Multi-State Volume Purchasing - AEPA Coop

Forward Edge

Contact: Denise Caccavari
Work Phone: 513-761-3343 Website:


The security professionals at Xpel by Forward Edge understand the critical importance of cybersecurity in the education sector, especially in K-12 districts where young learners and sensitive data are involved. Our strategy isn’t just proactive; it’s a step ahead —meticulously engineered to align with the industry’s gold standards, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Center for Internet Security (CIS) cybersecurity frameworks.

Forward Edge is an education-focused technology solutions provider serving school districts since 2005. All solutions are developed and delivered to address the unique needs of K-12 technology environments and the communities they serve. As a niche provider, we bring deep specialized expertise to each client district. We understand every aspect of school technology and relentlessly evaluate ways to future-proof these environments. Our professional services teams understand the latest technologies that influence administrative operations and classroom instruction – making us a perfect complement to a district’s internal IT staff and culture.


BID 2025

Bid recommended for approval in December 2024. Contract and extensions possible through March 2029.

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