
Contact: Kevin Kuckkan
Home Phone: (262) 894-0650 Website:


Win the digital distraction battle with Deledao ActiveInsights—the only online instructional solution with patented Instant-AI technology. Deledao reduces digital distractions by >40% in the first 4 weeks of deployment. Deledao ActiveScan employs patented InstantAI technology to evaluate content in real time to instantly block or blur any digital distractions—keeping your students on-task and engaged in learning. Deledao ActiveInstruct offers teachers complete visibility into individual student engagement levels and encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning. Deledao ActivePulse uses patented InstantAI technology to provide teachers and administrators with immediate feedback and alerts into their students’ state of mind, helping them gain a better understanding of student well-being and keep a pulse on their emotional wellness.

To learn about Deledao ActiveInsights Solutions click here.

Have digital distractions hijacked classroom learning? To learn more click here



BID 2021


Bid recommended for approval in December 2020.  Contract and extensions possible through March 2025.


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