AEPA contracts are bid competitively and tailored to meet each member state’s specific legal requirements. The contracts and sales are then supported by a local educational service agency.
With shrinking budgets and fewer resources, school districts and public agencies are looking to AEPA more than ever to meet their purchasing requirements. We bid collaboratively so you don’t have to, and our purchasing expertise insures that our contracts are legal, safe and bid law compliant.
AEPA is a national cooperative of education purchasing professionals representing lead agencies in their respective states. Each contract is available statewide and is facilitated by one cooperative member agency.
Combining the needs of 25 million students provides an incentive to vendors to offer AEPA their best price and the highest quality products.
AEPA contracts are designed to protect buyers and are guaranteed to save you time and money. We streamline the bidding and purchasing process through a single locally and nationally recognized purchasing solicitation.